About Us

Our father was an exceptional businessman, an upstanding member of the community, most importantly a charitable man. The foundation is set to continue his great legacy. His greatest passion was to help others and to serve humanity in any way that he could, our name Awan means to help others – to him this meant everything. Although his success in business continued, ultimately it was the community and charity work what gave him the most satisfaction, it was this that made him a prominent philanthropist. It is only right as his family that we carry forward his legacy through continued work to serve humanity.

Since the foundation was formed, working in collaborations with other charities, we have joined forces in helping the most vulnerable around the world. To help alleviate poverty, we have helped on food projects, clean water projects, health and mental health. To give an idea, we have helped serve over 300,000 people with food, set up water filtration plants and water wells. We helped supply medical and emergency rations and emergency shelter during the devastating earthquake in Turkey. Our next phase of work is to set up a community hub to help provide support to the under-privileged community of Birmingham. We have identified that the inner-city youth require much support, this is through education, mentoring, empowerment and a pathway to work.

Our chairman, Amer Awan has seen first hand the difficulties that the inner-city youth are facing through his extensive community work for the past 8 years, he states “it’s time that we need to begin to help make a difference to our community and our city of Birmingham, a city that has given us our opportunities!” We would like to thank all our partners that have helped us deliver our projects. The Shahid Afridi Foundation, ISA Foundation, The ABF Charity and Acorns Childrens Hospice. We began our journey of the great work by the grace and blessings of the almighty.

Let’s remember my great father and continue with the strong vision that he had in making a difference to all.